Wednesday, August 17, 2011

On the move towards our fashion show!

We are now moving full speed ahead to our Fall fashion show in September.  Be on the look out for Bliss!  Next week, we will shoot a Midweek style section feature to come out in September 7th's issue.  Bliss will also be featured on KHON on the early morning of Friday September 9. 

This week, I'll be busy with ordering lots and lots of super cute and stylish pieces for the show!  I'm spending my days looking through a dizzying array of tops and dresses.  Have any suggestions for me?  A color, style, fabric?  Leave me a comment below, I'd love to hear it!  Already on the runway are really cute denim shorts and jeans, a dozen new Tosca handbags, and shoes!  yes, shoes!  I'll be bringing in a couple of styles especially for the fashion show and to sell at the expo!!! 

Lastly, thank you to my friend who just discovered a new talent!  Mike Furoyama put on his DJ hat and made me an awesome mix of music for the fashion show.  I owe you, Mike!  Thank you!

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