Sunday, March 11, 2012 newest guilty pleasure!
I blame my girlfriends for introducing me to my new addiction. I really didn't need anything else luring me to my already heavily used computer. It all started innocently when a couple of friends starting talking about this new site called Pinterest. It didn't appeal to me that much, but everyone raved about it so of course I had to try it. I tried it once, but found it too overwhelming and didn't really like it. But, a few days ago I decided to give it just one more try...and I was hooked.
Pinterest is a virtual pinboard that lets you organize and share all the beautiful things you find on the web. OMG, how could I NOT love Pinterest? It combines ALL my favorite things, organizing (I'm a little type A...just a little ;)), beautiful things, and the web!! This website, which hopes to "connect everyone in the world through the "things" they find interesting", launched in 2010. In August 2011, was named to the "50 Best Websites of 2011", and now reportedly has over 13 million users despite being invitation only.
OK, so I'm not the only one who loves Pinterest! So, why am I blogging about pinterest? I think one of the great things about pinterest is that it can actually be helpful in discovering, creating, and refining your "style". Simply scour pinterest or the internet and find pieces, color combinations, or outfits that you LOVE at first glance. Don't stop to think about it, just like it or pin it. Do it before you can say "But I don't look good in sleeveless!", "Yellow isn't my color.", or "I can't wear stripes!" Eventually when you look at your board, you will see a definite pattern...a definite style all your own.
Having a good sense of what your "style" is will help when you go shopping for clothes! Ever bought something you thought you liked, just to have it sit in your closet? Knowing what your style is will help you purchase the items that you really love, that fit your style, and that you'll wear over and over and sometimes OVER again! :)
And, guess what? Bliss has just added "Pin It' buttons to each "New Arrival" (and all subsequent new arrivals). So, if you love something on Bliss, don't forget to "pin it!"
I've also created a board called Follow Your Bliss in which I pinned blissful inspirations that I hand picked to share with all of you. I'll try to update frequently with my favorite Bliss pieces, cool quotes, helpful fashion and beauty tips, upcoming trends, and more. Feel free to follow! :) You can find it here.
Happy Pinning everyone!! :)
"Fashion fades, Style is eternal..." Yves St. Laurent
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